get ready For adventure And More


Ever since the dawn  of civilization, human beings lived under the sky, walked the Earth mostly barefoot and somehow, managed to create a balance between their lives and the lives of all other beings. You are invited to re-connect to that feeling and conquer the outdoors, once more.

Nature Trails

Discover new locations that will take your adventures to a whole new level of fun. Make sure everyone in your team gets ready for some action and some serious play. You will learn, have fun and connect with nature

Safety First

All our Trails and Adventures are safe and ready to be explored by children and adults, of almost any ages. You only need to take some courage with you, some curiosity and most of all, some good outdoor equipment

Adventure Play

We have a team of adventurers, that go out there and prepare some exciting surprises all along the trails, create engaging fun games, that can easily be seen as interactive lessons, for open curious minds

Most Wanted

nature trails

There are some trails to begin with and there are adventures included, all along the path. Just make sure you choose your desired location and difficulty grade







The Squirrel Trail - Romania, Cluj-Napoca

Squirrel Trail is a wonderful trail, suited for families with kids, starting from 3 yrs old. The access is quite easy, as you can get there by car, by bike or bus, in no more than 15 min, starting from the city center.







Nature Detectives - Romania, Cheile Turzii

With patience and quiet, following the steps or traces left by the animals, with binoculars on their eyes and with the camera in hand, we will discover another world and other ways of life.
The route is located in the Turda Gorge nature reserve, in the Vapa forest.







The Trovant Trail - Romania, Cluj-Napoca

The Trovant Trail is one of the most spectacular trails in the area, because it tells a great story about the giant living rocks from Faget Forest, near Cluj-Napoca.







Nature in Full Colors - Apuseni Mountains, Romania

The route is located in the natural reserve Scăriţa-Belioara, on the limestone plateau named "Şesul Craiului". Scarita- Belioara is a protected area in Apuseni Mountains, very close to other nature gems, like caves, gorges and beautiful waterfalls. Take the time to explore the entire area and you won't regret it!







The world of Tinov under the magnifying glass - Tara Dornelor, Romania

The World of Tinov under the magnifying glass nature trail, from the ecotourism destination Țara Dornelor, is located in the Tinovul Șaru Dornei Nature Reserve, Suceava County, in the immediate vicinity of the Visitor Center of Călimani National Park. The route in Tinovul Mic is well marked and can be followed on a wooden path.







Nature Trail - Muntii Retezat, Hateg, Romania

Retezat Mountains is a spectacular area, where you can find many trails and nature wonders. The trail starts in Nucsoara, in Hunedoara county, it is an easy trails and not very well known. The panels with fauna and flora information are found all along the trail, so it is also a nice learning oportunity, for children and adults of any age.







Discover the Secrets of the Forest Trail - Sibiu, Romania

Welcome to the thematic route „Discover the secrets of the forest”!

The route is arranged in a forest, public property of the Romanian State, administered by the Sibiu Forest Department subordinated to the Sibiu Forestry Directorate, included in the Natural Reservation „Dumbrava Sibiului Natural Park”.







Mysteries of the Forest, The Froggy Trail - Faget Cluj, Romania

The "Mysteries of the Forest" themed trail arranged by the Transylvania Nature Association, together with the Green Eco Association invites you to observe the fauna, flora and birds. The path contains 6 educational-formative panels that describe the ecosystem of the forest and are addressed to children, but also to adults. For this reason we recommend this route to families.







Leave no trace - Bihor, Romania

Learning in nature, experiencing education as an adventure... this is how the concept of "eduventure" could be translated and summarized.

The little ones thus leave their usual environment, the comfort zone, and, meeting nature, learn to understand and protect it. The themed trails, information boards and other tourist facilities in the Craiului Forest aim to support this daring learning technique.

Explore Full Adventures & Trails

The best journeys in life are those that answer questions you never thought to ask

Our mission is to inspire a great love for the outdoors, for connecting in real life with friends & family, for feeling joyful and excited about nature’s wonders, for creating experiences that we remember for a lifetime. Nature creates a strong bond between humans, and not just humans, but all living beings on Planet Earth, therefore we let Mother Nature guide us, on trails we never knew were there before.

Our special team takes care of every detail, so you have all the time in the world to just enjoy the trails, adventures and experiences. Nature is waiting for you and it is patient, it endures all seasons, without hesitation, it is resilient and transforms all elements, into precious gifts for those who choose to receive them. 

What are these gifts Nature gives us?

We will not remember a day that we spent in front of the Tv, but we will surely remember a day spent with our family or friends, taking a hike in the forest, maybe losing the trail and find it again later, feeling a bit scared, but still eager to continue the adventure, ready to explore more of the awesome outdoor places that only a few know about. The stories we create, while taking on new adventures in real life, will always make our life more joyful and exciting, no matter where we go or what the weather will be.


Because it's fun, because we play and learn together

Why Outdoors

Whenever we choose Adventure over a Tv Show, Hiking with our friends, over playing a video game or Playing a real life game, over an online meet-up, we actually create Connections, Experiences, Memories and Joyful moments, that will last for years or maybe even for a lifetime.



Explore outdoor locations and enjoy a new kind of learning experience. Quests & treasure hunts are all you need



All the adventures are designed so you enjoy the outdoors, while you also have a lot of fun, by playing games or taking challenges



Take Play-Trails with you in the outdoors, as your guide, and prepare for some awesome experiences. Stay on the path and be ready to enjoy every step of your journey



Next time you can't decide whether you want to go outside for a hike or watch a Tv Show, just think about our trails, that are especially created so you enjoy the real world, more than the virtual one

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We encourage you to send us pics and stories from your journeys and adventures, so others may find inspiration for their own experiences

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What our explorers say about play-trails


A few insights of our friend’s adventures and trails

I discovered Play-Trails just a little while ago and it's been amazing what a difference it has already made, in our lives. When we go outside, my daughter doesn't cry anymore, she is interested in exploring the surroundings and eager to play with me, while we take on trails. I am so happy that learning has become easier!

Maria Watson


I am so excited to take another trail with my kids, now that i have something to aim for, on our trip. We used to go hiking before, but there was always some fun missing. Now we have it there, it's awesome to go out in nature, play with your kids and know that they will also learn something, during that time. This is more than school already!

Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith

Webdev & Father

This idea is one of the greatest out there! We are so excited now to go outdoors, all of my students love our trips to the park or even the school yard, ever since we discovered Play-Trails. The fact that they get to play together, while learning the lessons they need to learn, makes them more connected and open to new concepts or information. Nature is indeed the greatest teachers of all!

Laura Popescu
Laura Popescu

Top School Teacher& Mom

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Let's conquer the outdoors

Let nature be your guide, explore and learn about the world, together

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Real and imagined stories, stories that fascinate you, take you far away and make you see reality through new eyes

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adventures & games


min group

3 participants





Jump, run, then jump again

An adventure to remember and learn from. The challenge will be to go with your friends or family into a forest and try to build an Obstacle Race, but using only natural materials that you can find there. These could be tree branches, tree stumps, rocks, puddles, bushes, whatever you can find and use as an "obstacle". The longer and more complicated the race, the more you'll learn to think outside the box


min group

2 participants





Urban Adventure

Find a place in a city you like or maybe your own city, and start to look at it, in a different way. Each element has certain measures, like height, width, etc. Try to take your kids outside and help them learn a bit of math, maybe geometry, while you will all play and walk together, going on a great urban adventure.


min group

2 participants





The Solar System

This is a game for the ones who like to spin fast)just like the planets do). You will need a strong adult, willing to play the Sun and spin around, and an infinite number of children, who will rotate around the Sun, each one with a different speed. Prepare to collide with your favorite planet

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