This Adventure is a special one, mainly because children can get soo emotional about such a special connection with the forest and trees. Each tree they choose will be a true Friend, a loyal partner and someone important in their lives.
Rule no.1 : take the children out for a walk in the forest or even in the park. Ask them to study the trees and pick-up one tree they feel connected to or they like
Rule no.2 : ask them to hug the tree and put their ear on the tree trunk. while trying to hear the tree's heartbeat...yes, heartbeat because even trees have a Heart (and usually a big one, so we can hear it if we pay attention:)
Rule no.3 : go back home or back to school with the children and ask them too create a special gift for their new tree friend in the forest
Rule no.4 : next day go back to the same place and bring the gifts children made for the trees. These gifts can be simple objects that can be hung up from a tree branch, they can be colorful stripes, toys, or anything else the children want to offer to their friend and are prepared to leave there, with their tree.
This Adventure can open up new doors and connections with Nature, especially if the teacher or parent knows how to facilitate the children's connection with he trees. You can do that through stories, that tell the kids about the magic of the forest and the trees, how they are all connected through their roots, deep down underground and how they communicate with each other. Depending on the average age of the group, you can bring up even complex information ( and don't hesitate to do that, because most of the time, children of very young ages understand more than we can imagine) subjects related to the forest and Nature, while the children create the gifts and while you walk to the place.
The outcome of this Adventure is a very important one. First of all, the children learn how to observe and connect to Nature and Nature's elements, second, they understand that Nature is alive, trees are beings, just like any other being, they are alive, even though they are coming from a different spiritual place. All these experiences will create new neuro-pathways in their brains, will be stored in their long-term memory, maybe even for a lifetime.
This adventure can be taken wherever you find trees: in a forest, in the park nearby, maybe on a river bank or even in your backyard (if you have trees:)
You only need your regular outdoor equipment, depending where you want to go. Besides the wearing equipment, you will need some tools to help the kids create gifts from Nature's elements (like rope, scissors, maybe colored paper, etc.) The more they are encouraged to use natural materials to create special gifts, the better. If you are at school, you can use also art materials like paintings.
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